Friday, November 26, 2010

JAM Reviews Despicable Me from Universal Pictures

Despicable Me: Universal Studios
Review by JAM

What exactly is a bad day when one is a supervillian?

Gru (Steve Carell) is a villain bent on destruction, dismay, and dastardly actions, but he is truly in search for that last big score. Only problem is, he cannot get that final loan for his dastardly villainy. Throw in a new young gun villain out to prove himself, three little girls who change the world and our villain Gru, and a large number of mischievous minions who make this movie into their crazy playground.

Gru is out to steal the moon and in order to procure the funding needed for this task he must have the shrink ray in hand needed for this task. Even after snatching the ray needed, he is thwarted by the young gun Vector (Jason Segal) who is secretly the son of the villain loan maker. Enter in three innocent girls just looking for someone to love them, but also providing the perfect entry into Vector’s lair through the use of cookie deliveries.

Adopting the girls as a means to an opportunity, Gru finds himself falling in love with something more than his infamy. Even a villain can have his heart stolen as Gru finds out through this masterpiece of a movie featuring the vocal talents of Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Will Arnett, Kristen Wiig, Miranda Cosgrove, and the always amazing (and hard-working) Julie Andrews as Gru’s mother.

JAMS Ink on Despicable Me

An animated movie about a super villain? With redeeming qualities enhanced by little girls? Yeah, this was on my don’t watch list previously, until a positive review from some people that I tend to listen to told me to give it a chance. And I am glad I did. Steve Carell plays a zany villain who is out for mayhem and destruction yet is a bit inept at what he does. And this makes him fun to watch, especially as he starts to find himself liking the girls. Plus, he designed the minions who truly steal the show.

The minions truly have a language of their own but their innocent demeanor and their helpful natures make them a small but important part of the movie. Whether a quick trip to the store or an unsolicited donation to the cause, the minions are surprising, inquisitive, friendly, and family oriented.

The girls are a fun part of this movie as well with Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly leading the charge as the oldest. Used for their cookie delivery to start with, they integrate themselves into Gru’s life and take over his priorities in a way that he would have never expected. Things truly change when he promises to catch Miranda’s character and swears he will never again let them go. Sappy, yeah, but it works and the movie is worth a check out for families and fans of animated movies.

Check out this previous review of the Despicable Me Soundtrack that was done for Hollywoodteenzine here if you are into some mega minion music made for many music maniacs!

Despicable Me from Universal Pictures will be hitting shelves on Decmber 14, 2010 so grab a copy before someone shrinks, disintegrates, or pilfers all the copies before you can get one.

Remember check out this review and more from JAM at for teens and tweens, and at for movies of all genres and ages.

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