Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove - Sparks Fly

Miranda Cosgrove – Sparks Fly
Review by JAM


That was my first thought upon hearing Miranda’s new CD Sparks Fly, and I think it fits. I know I was eclectic at sixteen, trying to figure out what I was doing, was going to do, and wondering what the heck was happening to me. Miranda has it a little more under control than I probably did back then, but her CD song choices seem to jump from place to place as if she doesn’t know what she really wants to sing whether bubble-gum pop, electric-like pop, or smooth songs from the coast. Thing is, it works for her. The CD is an enjoyable mix of everything from kissing songs (Kissin’ You) to positive role-model anthems (Hey You) to in your face shout outs (BAM).

This little girl, even though I guess 17 isn’t necessarily little anymore, has grown up in front of our eyes as the convincingly precocious band manager in School of Rock, the not quite evil but definitely misguided younger sister on Drake and Josh, and now as the teen queen of the internet webcasts on iCarly, but now with this release of her album she’s not that little girl anymore. Singing about love and kissing, getting back at a jerk, and empowering someone who can not seem to see themselves as strong makes this young lady into a much needed star in the tween/teen market. Her songs are appropriate yet honest, energetic yet serious, and they crawl into your head so you can not get them out. Grab a copy of this CD and see why Miranda is the star for a new generation.

Track List for standard CD

1. Kissin’ You
2. BAM
3. Disgusting
4. Shakespeare
5. Hey You
6. There Will Be Tears
7. Oh Oh
8. Daydream

JAMS Ink on Sparks Fly

This was an interesting review for me, as I had a hard time at first listening to a teenager that I still associate in my mind as a little girl. But the CD grows on you, much as iCarly does or even her character of Megan on Drake and Josh. The song choices for her, while scattered in theme are good choices for her voice overall, allowing the strength of the messages of the songs come through. Overall this album is a fun return to innocent times of teenage love and infatuation without the dark drama that seems to insinuate many of the new releases these days. I say kudos to Miranda on a great CD release and all the luck in the future to come.

Disgusting is a song I can not get out of my head, even when I want to. It’s disgusting how much I like it.

Sparks Fly is definitely recommended for Miranda fans and others who enjoy the fun, energetic pop in an eclectic mix of song choices. Reminds me of a previous release some time ago from one Alecia Elliot, whose CD was a fun ride through the teen years as well. Miranda Cosgrove’s album was released April 27, 2010, so take a look, no matter your age, and enjoy this trip into the teen years. I think you will not be disappointed.

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